
Ik ben Amy.
Ik kom uit de Verenigde Staten.
Ik studeer psychologie. 
Mijn geboortedatum is drie maart negentien tweeënnegentig. 

I am Amy.
I come from the United States.
I study psychology.
My birthday is March 3, 1992.

Today was an educational day mostly. A long day. We started our day off with learning a little bit of Dutch today and it was so much fun. I learned very basic things, but we definitely covered a lot of information. I forgot how fun it was to learn a language. Luckily my class is very small and only students from California, because my Dutch accent is horrible. I will learn with time I think. I may actually take Dutch as one of my classes while I'm here, but I'm not sure how practical it would be. After language class, we had a seminar discussing some of the major differences between the US and the Netherlands, and learned about some of the most famous Dutch people like the prime minister, the queen, and the most popular rapper. We had a guest speaker, Jaap Verheul, who talked to us about Dutch politics and I found out that there is a political party here called the Party for the Animals that's only agenda is to gain rights for animals. It's a pretty interesting place. 

I snuck a picture in class.
After we finished class for the day, I was off to refill my bus pass with some friends. I had a whole list of errands that I was going to get done today, but everything closes before 6 pm and I couldn't get any of them done. I did get a delicious pasta dinner while I was out though. 

Today wasn't super exciting. It was nice to finally have some downtime today. I just think you all should know how difficult it is to find things you need here. We are so spoiled with Amazon and 24 hour Walmarts and Craigslist back in the states. Even the UK Amazon site has so much less than the one for the US. I just need an adapter for goodness sakes! Well...along with an umbrella, shower shoes, a blanket, wall decorations, a large rug, an iHome, a blanket, photos, a hamper, aaand some other things. But you get the picture. Short store hours and long school days make it difficult to accomplish anything (plus everything is closed on Sundays).
